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What are the types of annotation symbols on examination certificates?

Updated by SEAB

Examination certificates will be annotated for the following Access Arrangements (AA):

  • Extra time allowance (including preparation time for oral examination);

  • Exemption from satisfying the full range of assessment objectives in a subject (e.g. exemption from oral or listening comprehension etc);

  • Modification of examination papers;

  • Use of word processor facilities and other computer aids;

  • Use of Reader or Scribe; and

  • Practical assistance in areas such as handling of apparatus during the practical examinations, using instruments or graph plotting.

There are three types of annotation symbols. The explanation for the symbols are as follows:




The candidate was exempted from satisfying the full range of assessment objectives in the papers sat for this subject.


The candidate sat the paper under access arrangements.


The candidate was exempted from the Oral and/or Listening Comprehension component due to valid reasons. 

Details of the candidate’s medical condition and the nature of the AA granted will not be indicated on examination certificates.

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