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Can I request to reschedule my GCE-Level examination dates?

Updated by SEAB

We would like to share that except for the GCE-Level Mother Tongue Language written examinations, the examinations are conducted within a fixed period each year, with each paper conducted once within that period. The examination timetable is scheduled after considering the school curriculum timings, and the marking and results processing that take place before the examination results are released. The examinations are also scheduled to avoid timetable clashes for candidates with certain subject combinations. Due to these considerations, it is not possible to reschedule the papers for individual candidates.


As the oral examinations for certain GCE-level language papers are conducted over a few days, you can apply to reschedule your oral papers within that subject’s oral examination window for that year. You may submit your request to reschedule your oral paper(s) through our online form.

If you miss one or more of your papers without valid reasons approved by SEAB, you will receive an “Absent” grade for a subject. Therefore, you may wish to reconsider registering for a subject if you are unable to sit for the paper on the scheduled date. If you have already registered for the examination, you can apply for a subject amendment, or a withdrawal if you are only registered for the affected subject. More information can be found on our website.

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