15 questions
BB Services (from 1 Jul 2024) - Child Savings Account (CSA)
Can I transfer money from an old Child Savings Account (CSA) to a new CSA?
My child does not have a Child Savings Account (CSA), how can I open one?
What is a Child Savings Account (CSA)?
What is the purpose of Child Savings Account (CSA)?
Can parent opt out of the of Child Savings Account (CSA) when opening a new Child Development Account (CDA)?
Can the Child Development Account (CDA) trustee be different from the Child Savings Account (CSA) joint account holder?
Can the Child Development Account (CDA) be a different bank from the Child Savings Account (CSA)?
What happens if the Child Development Account (CDA) trustee is changed?
Can I change bank for the Child Development Account (CDA) and Child Savings Account (CSA)?
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