17 questions
Annual Closure Exercise of Baby Bonus CDA on 12th Year
What can the Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) funds be used on?
What is my Child Development Account (CDA) remaining cap for dollar-for-dollar Government co-matching?
I have saved in excess of the CDA cap and the CDA trustee is a third party. Will the excess be credited to the third party trustee or parents’ bank account?
I have saved in excess of the CDA Government contributions cap. Will the excess also be transferred to PSEA?
My child’s CDA trustee is a third party and I would like to change the trustee to myself/my spouse. How can I change CDA trustee?
My child’s CDA will be closing this year. Can I still change my child’s CDA trustee?
My spouse is the CDA trustee and was notified that there is excess CDA balance to be refunded. We are in the midst of divorce and as I am caring for the child, can I receive the excess CDA balance?
My spouse is the CDA trustee. We are in the midst of divorce and I am caring for the child. Can I change the CDA trustee to myself?
What is my child’s Child Development Account (CDA) closing balance?
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