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What information is presented to Parliament as part of the annual budgetary process?

Updated by MOF

Each year, the Minister for Finance presents the Revenue and Expenditure Estimates to Parliament as part of the annual budgetary process.

The information presented in the Revenue and Expenditure Estimates includes:

  1. The Government Budget for the next Financial Year;

  2. The Governments fiscal position for the previous and current Financial Year;

  3. Government revenue estimates, which include receipts that are not available for spending by the Government;

  4. Government expenditure estimates, organised under Heads of Expenditure; and

  5. The audited Statement of the Government's Assets and Liabilities as at the end of the previous Financial Year.

The Government's accounts are prepared on a cash accounting basis, in accordance with Article 147(5) of the Constitution.

The Revenue and Estimates are on a financial year (FY) basis. The Government's FY is from 1 April of one year to 31 March of the following year. Figures on a calendar year basis are provided in the Economic Survey of Singapore.

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