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Costs will go up. How will people manage?

Updated by MOF

Government will continue to absorb GST on publicly subsidised education and healthcare.

For healthcare, absorbing GST helps lower- to middle-income Singaporeans who are subsidised patients at public health institutions.

Link to image for an example on subsidy to defray GST expenses on a polyclinic receipt.

We will keep the cost of living affordable and manageable.

1. Enhance GST Voucher Scheme

Permanent GST Voucher scheme will be enhanced when the GST is increased. This will help lower-income Singaporeans and seniors.

Assistance is given in the form of:

  • Cash for those with lower income.

  • MediSave top-ups for most elderly aged 65 and above.

  • U-Save for eligible HDB households to directly offset utilities expenses.

2. GST Offset Package

We will have a GST Offset package to help you adjust to the GST increase.

Lower- and middle-groups, and seniors will get more help.

Link DPM's speech on 10 Nov 2019.

3. Government will continue to absorb GST on publicly funded education and healthcare.

4. Continued targeted support.

Apart from the GST Offset package, we will continue to provide targeted support for different segments of Singaporeans.

Link to list of schemes .

Link to list of schemes (graph).

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