22 questions
Update Charity Profile
What are the procedures that a charity/IPC need to take note if there are any changes in the charity/IPC’s profile from time to time?
What are the steps to submit amendments to the governing instrument (i.e. Constitution) of a society charity?
What are the steps to submit amendments to the governing instrument (i.e. M&AA/Constitution) of a CLG charity?
What are the steps to amend the governing instrument (i.e. trust deed) of a charitable trust?
What is the estimated timeline to review a proposed amendment to governing instrument that has been submitted via the Charity Portal?
My charity has already obtained the approval at the AGM before submitting the proposed amendments to COC/SA. Is the charity still required to table them at AGM after COC’s approval?
What are the steps to file the changes in board members of a charity incorporated as Society or CLG?
Will CLG charities be able to add/remove board members directly from the Charity Portal?
Will society charities be able to add/remove board members directly from the Charity Portal?
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