21 questions
Long-Term Visit Pass - Plus (LTVP+)
How do I submit an LTVP+ application?
Will my foreign spouse, who is currently an LTVP holder, be granted LTVP+ automatically at renewal?
Can I continue to work upon collection of my LTVP/LTVP+ since my work pass will be cancelled?
Why is the Long-Term Visit Pass - Plus (LTVP+) being introduced?
What is an 'LOC' or 'PLOC'?
What is required for a LTVP holder to work in Singapore?
Who will issue the Letter of Consent (LOC) or Pre-Approved Letter of Consent (PLOC)? How long does it take to receive the LOC or PLOC?
Are overseas marriage certificates or customary marriages recognized for LTVP/ LTVP+ application?
Can I sponsor my children, parents or parents- in-laws for LTVP+?
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