What is the eligibility criteria for EEG (Advanced)?
From 30 December 2024, A company that meets all the following criteria can apply for the EEG (Advanced):
- Business entity registered and operating in Singapore in the Manufacturing sector as defined below
- Manufacturing companies that are classified under SSIC 10 to 32 (including Food Manufacturing)
- Construction companies that are classified under SSIC 41 - 43
- Has a minimum of 30% local shareholding;
- Employ at least one local employee at the firm-level;
- Has a Group Annual Sales Turnover no more than S$500 million.
The project shall not have commenced at the time of application.
Note that SME is defined as having:
- Group Annual Sales Turnover of no more than S$100 million; or
- Group Employment Size of not more than 200 workers
This information is sourced from GB
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