14 questions
Matters affecting undischarged bankrupts
If I am an undischarged bankrupt member, how do I sell my shares, property funds, bonds or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that I have purchased under CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) before I became a bankrupt?
I am a bankrupt member, can I sell my Singtel (ST) shares?
As a bankrupt, can I use the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) investments that I have withdrawn to settle my judgement debts?
Can I invest after I am discharged from bankruptcy?
As a bankrupt, can I use my CPF savings to buy a Housing & Development Board flat?
As a bankrupt, can I use my CPF savings to buy a private property or to pay for the housing loan of my existing private property?
Can I continue to use my CPF savings for my existing private property housing loan if I am going to be made a bankrupt?
As a bankrupt, can I request to make a partial withdrawal and leave some monies in my CPF Account for my housing loan?
I am a bankrupt and am planning to sell my property. How much do I need to refund to my CPF account?
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