89 questions
Housing Scheme
I have withdrawn my CPF savings on Reduced Life Expectancy. Why do I need to refund the CPF principal amount and accrued interest when I sell my property?
How do I discharge the CPF charge on my private property?
What is the CPF Housing Scheme?
How long does it take to process applications relating to housing matters?
Can I use my Ordinary Account savings to service the housing loan taken by my parent(s) and/or sibling?
Can I transfer my Ordinary Account (OA) savings to my parents' OA so that I can help them pay their outstanding housing loan?
Where can I find the list of the Board's panel of law firms?
Can I use my CPF savings to pay stamp duty, survey and other related fees when I buy a property?
Can I use my CPF savings to pay for the transaction fee and lodgement fees when I buy a property?
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