38 questions
Contribute As You Earn
Can I receive my service payments from the government through methods other than PayNow (Mobile Number and Virtual Payments Address)?
What is Contribute As You Earn (CAYE)?
As a self-employed person, how will I benefit from participating in Contribute As You Earn (CAYE)?
How will participating in Contribute As You Earn (CAYE) affect my MediSave contributions payable?
As a self-employed person, how will the Contribute As You Earn (CAYE) scheme affect me?
What if I am in financial hardship and is unable to set aside monies for MediSave via the Contribute As You Earn (CAYE) scheme?
Who must participate in Contribute As You Earn (CAYE)?
As a self-employed person who provides services to Government agencies, how will I be enrolled into Contribute As You Earn (CAYE)?
I have contributed up to the maximum mandatory contributions for the year. Do I still have to make Contribute As You Earn (CAYE) contributions?
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