31 questions
Account closure for non-Singapore Citizens and non-PRs
How can I request information regarding my CPF balances, CPF interest earned or, my CPF transaction statement?
What happens to my CPF account if I am no longer a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident?
Do I have to refund the sale proceeds when I sell my property after my CPF account is closed?
How can I find out more information on Account Closure for non-Singaporeans and non-Permanent Residents?
When will my CPF account be closed if I am not a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident?
Are all non-Singapore Citizens and non-Permanent Residents eligible for account closure?
What happens when my CPF account is closed and I have yet to transfer my CPF savings to my bank account?
I am not a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident. I have recently checked my CPF account and noticed that my CPF balance is $0. Why is this so, as I have yet to withdraw my CPF monies?
What happens to my Dependants' Protection Scheme (DPS) cover when my account is closed?
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