I am born in 1980 or later. When will I be notified of my CareShield Life cover?
Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents born in 1980 or later will be automatically covered under CareShield Life on 1 October 2020, or when they turn 30, whichever is later. Those born between 1980 and 1990 (i.e. aged 30 to 40 in 2020) will receive a CareShield Life welcome package informing you of your CareShield Life cover, by 2 September 2020 or up to two months before their 30th birthday, whichever is later. Those born after 1990 (i.e. aged below 30 in 2020) will receive a CareShield Life welcome package before they reach age 30.
[For disability scheme beneficiaries]
CareShield Life will be universal and mandatory for all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents born in 1980 or later. This will ensure that all Singaporeans, including those who have pre-existing illnesses and/or severe disability, have basic protection for long-term care needs. Hence, even if you are an existing beneficiary of Home Caregiving Grant/ ElderFund/ Migrant Domestic Worker Levy Concession for Persons with Disabilities, you will similarly be automatically covered under CareShield Life on 1 October 2020, or when you turn 30, whichever is later, and you will be able to make a claim under CareShield Life if you are assessed to be severely disabled.