- At MOE's Committee of Supply Debate in March 2020, MOE launched the National Digital Literacy Programme ("NDLP") for our schools and Institutes of Higher Learning to help students strengthen their digital literacy. One of the components of the NDLP is the introduction of the Personalised Digital Learning Programme ("PDLP") for all secondary school students, whereby every secondary school student will own a school-prescribed Personal Learning Device ("PLD"). Students in Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road) have been using chromebooks as their PLD for 1:1 Learning since 2016 and the school will leverage PDLP to facilitate the chromebook procurement process.
What is a chromebook?
A chromebook is a computing device running Chrome OS as its operating system. The chromebook is designed to be used primarily while connected to the internet, with most of its applications and data residing online. The chromebook should not be confused with a cloudbook/ultrabook/Windows laptop etc, which runs on Windows OS.Why does the school choose a chromebook as the students' personal learning device?
The chromebook is a relatively affordable computing device. It is significantly cheaper compared to the other computing devices (e.g. IPads) offered under MOE Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP). A key advantage is that chromebooks are easy to manage in a school setting. A web-based management console is available for user, device and apps control. Students can spend less time managing their chromebooks, and more time on their learning tasks. It is also lightweight, has a long battery life and boots up quickly.How can I procure the chromebook from the school via MOE NDLP/PDLP?
To proceed with the purchase of the chromebook, please contact the school's IT Department at acsbr_it@moe.edu.sg for details of the current model/specifications/pricing before filling in the online form at this link: https://go.gov.sg/pdlpadmin. If you are unable to submit the form online, please contact the school's General Office or IT Department for a hardcopy.
Do we need to purchase the chromebook from the school via MOE NDLP/PDLP?
The school strongly recommends that the chromebook be purchased via the nationwide MOE NDLP/PDLP. The proposed bundle includes 3 years carry-in warranty, and insurance to cover accidental damage. This type of bundle is usually not available for chromebooks purchased off the shelf from other retailers or vendors. Moreover, students who are Singaporean citizens are also allowed to draw on their Edusave Pupils Fund (EPF) for the purchase of the chromebook through MOE PDLP. It is not possible to use EPF to pay for chromebooks purchased from other retailers or external vendors.When and where will the students collect their chromebooks?
The default mode of collection is for incoming Sec 1 students to collect their chromebooks in school during the 1st week of Term 2 (tentative). The Vendor will run through a device checklist with students at the point of collection to ensure that the chromebook is in good working condition, and for your son to verify the condition of the device. The software and DMA would also be installed on the chromebook during the school collection. If you are concerned that your son will not be able to properly verify the condition of the chromebook, please notify the school and arrange to either collect the chromebook personally at the contractor's service/collection centre or appoint an adult proxy to do so. Do note that Parents/Guardians (or adult proxy) will NOT be able to collect the chromebook in the school. In addition, your son will also need to bring the chromebook to school and arrange for the school's IT department to install the DMA after collection.For any ad-hoc purchases after March (after the incoming Sec 1 bulk purchase and deployment in March), please contact the school's IT Department at acsbr_it@moe.edu.sg.
What is the Device Management App (DMA)?
A Device Management Application ("DMA") will be installed on all student-owned chromebook PLDs to be used in the school. The DMA has 3 main components which will support the use of the PLD in the classroom and safeguard students’ cyber wellness:(a) Classroom Management Service. This enables teachers to manage the students’ use of the PLD during lesson time to improve classroom management and support effective teaching and learning.
(b) Mobile Device Management Service. This facilitates the updating and managing of the PLD, protects the PLD from malicious software, and protects students from objectionable internet content.
(c) Usage Management Service. This enables the school and/or parents/guardians to better supervise and set helpful limits for students’ use of PLD after school.
Please note that the school currently has a Block All Except Whitelist policy in place for all our chromebook PLDs during school hours.
What are the default DMA settings for the chromebooks?
The following DMA settings will be in place as a default:• MOE and the school will set the level of web content filtering, including filtering out social media sites, pornography, gambling, extremist and violence-related sites. Please note that the school currently has a Block All Except Whitelist policy in place for all the chromebook PLDs.• Chromebook PLD usage time will be set from 6 am to 11 pm, with school hours set from 6 am to 4 pm• The school will determine the apps and programmes to be installed to support teaching and learning.
What are the After-School DMA Parent Options?
Parents/Guardians can choose from the following options for use of the chromebook PLD after school hours (4 pm to 11 pm): • Default: In-school DMA settings will continue to operate after school hours • Option A: Parents/Guardians can modify the DMA settings after school hours • Option B: Parents/Guardians can disable the DMA after school hours The school strongly discourages parents/guardians from choosing Option B as usage of the PLD will not be monitored and controlled during after school hours. Having default school settings continue after school hours is the best option for parents who prefer not to, or do not feel ready to manage their child's device use on their own.How can a parent opt for alternative DMA settings?
For parents/guardians who wish to choose Option A or Option B, please fill in the Option Form for After-School DMA Parent Options at https://go.gov.sg/acsbr-parent-dma-option. Parents can request to change your choice of DMA settings at any time through the same link. However, please note that changes to the DMA after-school options will only take effect at the start of the month for requests received before the 22nd of the preceding month.