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Would the school trial or teach my child/ward on how to use the approved AA such as use of Word Processor, Extra Time, Prompter etc?

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Updated by ACS (BR)
The school will not trial or teach students on how to use the approved AA and it is highly encouraged that parents/guardians work with students at home to be familiar with the approved AA so that students can benefit from the approved AA during assessments. For use of Word Processor, parents/guardians can provide their child/ward wtih a laptop without spell-check function for Word and without internet access. The child/ward will have to learn how to type with suitable spacing in between questions / sections, save and print the Word document. For Extra Time, parents/guardians can sit their child/ward in a quiet room for the child/ward to complete the work (e.g. worksheet, test practice paper) with Extra Time factored into the 'assessment' time, without allowing the child/ward to leave the room, to sit and daze or sleep during the 'assessment' period with Extra Time. The child/ward should be using the time to complete all questions, check through his answers etc. For Prompter, parents/guardians must be present in the room with their child/ward during the 'assessment' time and knock on their child's/ward's table if they notice the child/ward not attempting his assessment for a period ot time (e.g. 5 to 10 minutes).

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