Would the school trial or teach my child/ward on how to use the approved AA such as use of Word Processor, Extra Time, Prompter etc?

The school will not trial or teach students on how to use the approved AA and it is highly encouraged that parents/guardians work with students at home to be familiar with the approved AA so that students can benefit from the approved AA during assessments.
For use of Word Processor, parents/guardians can provide their child/ward wtih a laptop without spell-check function for Word and without internet access. The child/ward will have to learn how to type with suitable spacing in between questions / sections, save and print the Word document.
For Extra Time, parents/guardians can sit their child/ward in a quiet room for the child/ward to complete the work (e.g. worksheet, test practice paper) with Extra Time factored into the 'assessment' time, without allowing the child/ward to leave the room, to sit and daze or sleep during the 'assessment' period with Extra Time. The child/ward should be using the time to complete all questions, check through his answers etc.
For Prompter, parents/guardians must be present in the room with their child/ward during the 'assessment' time and knock on their child's/ward's table if they notice the child/ward not attempting his assessment for a period ot time (e.g. 5 to 10 minutes).
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