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Is the Government making it difficult to claim from CareShield Life (e.g. 3 Activities of Daily Living criterion) in order to profit?



CareShield Life is targeted to provide basic financial protection in case of severe disability (i.e. unable to perform at least three out of the six Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)). Keeping the claims criteria to three ADLs help to keep the premiums more affordable. 

Those who would like to have more financial protection against severe disability (e.g. higher benefits and expanded coverage) can purchase supplementary plans from commercial insurers. 

CareShield Life is managed by the Government on a not-for-profit basis. Any excess premiums will be used to benefit insureds, and there are legal safeguards to ensure the Government cannot divert CareShield Life and ElderShield Insurance Fund monies for non-prescribed uses.

This information provided here is sourced from the MOH website.

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