A Singapore Government Agency Website 

CareShield Life is still targeted at those with severe disability i.e. unable to perform three or more Activities of Daily Living. Why was this retained?



CareShield Life is targeted at severe disability, so that premiums can be kept affordable for all insureds.

If you are a Singaporean with mild or moderate disabilities, and need long-term care, you can tap on means-tested Government subsidies for long-term care services, as well as other Government assistance schemes (e.g. the Seniors’ Mobility and Enabling Fund) to complement your personal savings and family support.

Government-funded safety nets such as MediFund/ComCare can also help you pay for these long-term care costs, should you be unable to afford long-term care services.

If you wish to cover yourself for less severe disabilities, you can consider purchasing Supplements from the private insurers.

This information provided here is sourced from the MOH website.

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