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What are the different types of Government subsidies to help Singaporeans with their MediShield Life premiums? Who will be eligible for them?



The Government provides the following premium subsidies and support to keep premiums affordable:

Premium Subsidies (up to 50%) for lower- to middle-income Singapore Residents with household monthly income per person of $2,800 and below and living in residences with an Annual Value of $25,000 and below. Individuals who own multiple properties will not be eligible. Permanent Residents (PRs) will receive half the applicable Singapore Citizens (SCs) rate.

Additional Merdeka Generation (MG) Subsidies of up to 10% for all MGs, on top of above premium subsidies. MGs will also receive annual MediSave top-ups of $200 from 2019 to 2023, which can be used to pay premiums.

Special Pioneer Generation (PG) Subsidies of up to 60% for all PG seniors. PGs will also receive lifetime annual Medisave top-ups of $250 - $900 a year, which can be used to pay premiums. Older PGs (aged 82 years old and above in 2021) who have serious pre-existing conditions will also receive an additional one-off annual MediSave top-up of $50-$200 for five years, from 2021 to 2025. PGs aged 87 years old and above in 2021 will have premiums fully covered by the government, while younger PGs will have about two-thirds of premiums covered.

Additional Premium Support for needy Singaporeans who cannot afford their premiums even after the above subsidies and MediSave use, and have limited family support.

This information provided here is sourced from the MOH website.

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